Suicide and September 11th have something in common: NO ONE CARES.
Now, what do I mean by that? I mean that the majority of people merely pretend to have any shred of compassion for the dead. They pretend to care when it is convenient, when it gives them a feeling of self-satisfaction and a misplaced feeling better about themselves.
It's all an act. It's a façade. It's hypocrisy. It's revolting.
Words mean virtually nothing when placed next to actions. Wanna show the world that you care about suicide victims? Then start loving people. Everyone. Even people you hate. Physically get in the way of bullies and their prey. Don't let adults slap kids around. Know what I'm saying?
Do something, you putrid insipid hypocrite.
Now, you might be thinking, "But Nic! I'm not a hypocrite! I actually do care for victims of tragedy!" If that's you, then hooray! This post is not directed at you. This post is for me to rant and once again call out the hypocrisy of the pop-culture bandwagon. For starters:
One "Like" does not equal one prayer.
I'm sure you've seen these fluttering around Facebook (if you have a Facebook account, that is). It's usually a picture of someone who is sick, injured, dead, or dying. They appear vulnerable to invoke pity in the people who view the picture. The scenario in the picture might be real, or it might be a hoax. The caption will talk about the victim and their current tribulation. Again, sometimes it is real, and sometimes it is a hoax. But then it gets better: they ask for "Likes" and "Shares", promising that if you "Like" or "Share" their picture, then God will hear some imaginary prayer that just pops into existence!
As if that does anything. In my eyes, the people who do this are sadomasochistic sociopaths who care only for their immediate and shallow desires. They are exploiting the tragedy of another person or people just to satisfy their petty wants. It's mortifying to me. It disrespects God, it disrespects the victims, and it disrespects anyone unfortunate enough to view the picture. It has to stop before I go postal.
Remember 9/11, but also move on.
Yes, I've been accused of such things because I have my own opinion on 9/11. It's just another example of tragedy exploitation. News Flash: 9/11 was eleven years ago. I guarantee you that the families of the victims got over it after the first couple years. I say that because the grieving process usually takes about that long. By keep bringing it up every year and clogging the internet with insipid drivel, you are basically saying that moving on is unhealthy. You are suggesting that we are to pick at those wounds and let them bleed again every year.
You are disrespecting the people who lost their lives and their families. Leave 9/11 back in 2001, where it belongs. It was a tragedy. Tragedies are sad. I get that. But get this: you need to move on. We got over Pearl Harbor, and Pearl Harbor was equally as tragic!
I'm not Anti-America. I'm not Anti-Soldier. I'm Anti-War. Therefore, I do not support the idea that 9/11 can be used as our grudge against the terrorists in the Middle East. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda kill more Muslims every day than they ever did during 9/11. We've even shot dead Osama bin Laden, for crying out loud!
I remember 9/11. Modern culture will never allow me to forget. I also remember that 60 Muslims who were law-abiding American citizens were killed in those attacks as well. The 9/11 hype is a testament to human stupidity and immaturity. It's disappointing.
Now, back to suicide...
People really over-think the motivations behind suicide. It is never an act of cowardice; it is almost always an act of despair or a cry for attention or help. Cowards are way too afraid of death to deliberately take their own lives. Suicidal people are too scared and confused and sad to consider that they might be leaving a family and friends behind, or that their might be a God who might not want them to die. They aren't saying, "I think I know what's best for me, and God doesn't." They aren't saying, "I feel like making my family and friends suffer because of my passing."
They are saying, "I'm in pain. Will someone help me?"
So, as a young man who has attempted suicide twice and had to bury three grandparents, I never want to see anyone exploiting another person's tragedy ever again. I never want to hear someone say, "Suicide victims go to hell" or "Suicide victims are cowards". No one benefits from hearing those words, so please keep them to yourselves and get some help, you sad and twisted and pathetic excuse for a human being.
As far as I'm concerned, if you're guilty of the problems I have addressed in this post, then the blood of every victim of tragedy is on your hands.